The new ones are here

/ Comment 1

We are pleased to inform you that since 01.04.2023 the Coolride brand is now part of the Smart Media Electronics family.

As a long-time customer of Mark and his team, we have long been convinced of his products and systems. Therefore, we could not let the brand with all the great products simply disappear.

We are very happy that Mark put his trust in us and that we can now proudly announce:

Nothing will change, we will continue exactly where Mark and his team left off.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with all existing customers and open doors and gates for all new customers and lovers of the Coolride brand.

Many greetings

The team of Smart Media Electronics GmbH

Comments 1
Total entries: 1

Alex B., 07.07.23 21:45

Wir haben heute das erste Mal eure Griffheizung verbaut für einen Kunden. Zuerst sehr skeptisch über den Einbauaufwand, dann aber begeistert über die Funktion und Qualiät. Professioneller Einbau benötigt Zeit. Kunde muss vorgängig gut beraten werden. Unsichtbar, langlebig. Gerne weiter zu empfehlen
